Grow online sales with hyper-personalized product recommendations

Show customers exactly what they need, and what they might have might have missed, while providing an Amazon-like experience online. Proton’s AI-generated recommendations are purpose-built for distributors and based on information from all your important data sources.

Proton eCommerce AI enables distributors to offer an Amazon-like experience online

Whatever you sell, sell more

Increase how much each customer spends on your site. Show customers products they need right now so they can start building their cart right away.

Show customers what they're due-to-reorder as they shop online

Deliver an unforgettable experience

Connect the dots between human conversations and eCommerce to drive more revenue. Proton automatically displays specific products customers have discussed with your reps to create a cohesive experience across both channels.

Connect the dots between human conversations and eCommerce to drive more revenue

All the benefits, none of the work

Say goodbye to manually hard-cording product relationships across thousands of products. Proton’s AI automatically identifies product relationships to surface similar and complementary items for online shoppers.

Proton’s AI automatically identifies product relationships to surface similar and complementary items for online shoppers
“Proton is the best ROI of any tech investment we've made in the past 30 years.”
Mike Page, R.S. Hughes

Make it easy for customers to find everything they need online.

Similar Products

Recommend alternative products when customers search for products that are out of stock.

Customers Also Bought

Recommend complementary add-ons buyers might be interested in as they build their cart.

New Items

Recommend new products customers should be buying from you. 


Show online buyers products they’re due to reorder.

The numbers speak for themselves

12 weeks

The average time it takes for customers to go live


The average ROI Proton customers gain


website clicks generated from Proton recommendations


generated in Proton-attributed revenue


Does this replace my eCommerce site?

No. Proton is not an eCommerce platform. Proton’s eCommerce AI integrates with your eCommerce platform to supercharge your online store with hyper-personalized product recommendations that increase sales.

Do I need engineering support to implement Proton eCommerce AI?

No. Our team will handle all of the front-end development work required. We’ll make sure the recommendations match your brand and appear exactly how you envision.

How does Proton’s AI decide what to recommend to customers?

Our recommendations are based on your full customer picture. We analyze transactional data from your ERP and your eCommerce site to make timely, relevant predictions.

How is this different from other eCommerce recommendation engines?

Our AI models have been trained to specifically serve distributors. As a result, we accurately find product relationships so customers find what they need, including complementary and substitute products. Plus, unlike other recommendation engines, since Proton ingests data from all of your existing tools, we surface recommendations based on your customers’ transaction history across all channels – not just products they’ve purchased online.

Ready to make Proton your secret weapon?